The Preschool program is a PLAY BASED CURRICULUM based on the principles, practices and outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework. Play provides opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine. We have a wide range of toys and equipment at Preschool which exposes your child to many different experiences they may not have access to at home.
When children play with other children they create social groups, test out ideas, challenge each other’s thinking and build new understandings. Play provides a supportive environment where children can ask questions, solve problems and engage in critical thinking. As your child gets older our expectations change and we provide experiences and limits to reflect this.
Early childhood Educators take on many roles in play with children and use a range of strategies to support learning. They engage in sustained shared conversations with children to extend their thinking. They provide a balance of child led and child initiated and adult supported learning. They create learning environments that encourage children to explore, solve problems, create and construct. They use every opportunity to do this; including routines (toileting/hand washing) and transition times (getting coats on to go outside). They also recognize spontaneous teachable moments as they occur and use them to build on children’s learning.” EYLF, page 15.
Our Teachers hold 4 year Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education and are skilled at implementing the play- based curriculum to build on the children’s developmental and individual needs.
The biggest factor that Preschool provides your child with is the opportunity to be part of a large group. Being one of twenty-thirty children, immediately exposes your child to a different situation and things such as waiting and turn taking are a major part of our day due to this.
University trained educators are employed to give your child the best Early Childhood Education. They are trained in child development and know what experience to provide your child at what moment. Research shows us that children learn more in the first five years of life than any other time.